Adenomyosis made my periods heavy. A Hysterectomy helped it.

  • My periods were often long and heavy and difficult to manage.
  • I had my gynecologist examine me and tell me there were no problems with me.
  • After a mistake in my medical checkup, I discovered that I had Adenomyosis.

My periods were so heavy for most of my adult life that even showering, sitting on the sofa, or sleeping, would look like a movie set. “Dexter.”

I was able to see specialists and gynecologists, but they were not what they called. “a few fibroids,”No one has ever found anything wrong about me. I had my own set of red towels that I used nine times a month. 

When I felt certain that I was done with having children, I had an Endometrial Ablation. This is a procedure which basically melts my uterus’ lining. Although it was supposed to end my menstruation for good, it didn’t work. For five more years, I had heavy and painful periods. 

My doctor made a mistake and I discovered that I had a condition called “adenomyosis”. Now, after a hysterectomy and a few days of recovery, I feel completely normal. 

How I discovered about adenomyosis

My ultrasound was mislabeled by an imaging tech in 2021. My gynecologist mislabeled my ultrasound in 2021. She referred me to a surgeon gynecological. “I find no cyst, but you do have a pretty advanced case of adenomyosis,”He said. He said it. “endometriosis.”

I was familiar with endometriosis, which happens when endometrial tissue invades neighboring pelvic organs — such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes, bowel, and bladder. It was the source of my painful menstrual cramps, which I suspected for years.

He explained that adenomyosis also involves rogue endometrial cells, but instead of being outside the uterus, they grow into the myometrium, or uterine muscle walls, creating pockets of tissue that enlarge and thicken the uterus — sometimes doubling it in size — and causing overabundant periods that can last as long as nine or 10 days. My mystery was solved.

These conditions are hard to diagnose as other pelvic conditions may cause lower abdominal pain, prolonged periods, or spotting during periods.

Without the imaging error, I wouldn’t have known about my condition.

Although endometriosis, or adenomyosis, can both be found in one patient. Adenomyosis tends to affect women who have had at most one pregnancy. There has also been evidence of adenomyosis. Miscarriage

Premature labor.

Doctors usually recommend that neither of these are considered life-threatening. treat for comfortUse nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs. Some might prescribe hormone medication, including


Pills or intrauterine devices to stop new endometrial tissues from growing, or slow down the growth of existing endometrial tissues. 

I chose to have a hysterectomy for a permanent solution.

Endometriosis can remove the cells and scar tissue and allow the patient to continue with their life. Normal pregnancies.

But, procedures usedSterilization is a method to stop the anemia and chronic bleeding that can be caused by adenomyosis.

You have the option of a uterine embolization that surgically blocks uterine bloodflow; an endometrial procedure, which I had but didn’t need; or a permanent, sure cure: a Hysterectomy. This involves removing at least the uterus as well as possibly the tubes and ovaries.

It was the best decision I made last year.

My uterus was removed and my fallopian tubes were replaced by the surgeon. To prevent hormonal fluctuations, he left my ovaries. I still experience PMS symptoms every month. But it’s a small price to pay to get the relief it has brought me.

The debilitating pain that used be enough to make me stay in bed for weeks is gone. I no longer have to worry about ruining my sofa, my sheets, or the seats in my car. Even my red towel set has been retired.