A Office Space Cast Reunion has Been Held, Complete with One Big Case Of Mondays

Mike Judge’s office satire. Office SpaceThe 1999 release of, was well-received but a huge flop. The film barely made it back to its $10 million budget but, thanks to word of mouth and rentals from video homes, it became a classic cult comedy. And now, after twenty-three years, most of the cast have reunited, albeit in a somewhat peculiar way–for a Black Friday Ad. 

The Walmart advertisement, posted to their official Youtube, runs for just over a minute and sees the return of Initech, the dead-eyed yet chipper receptionist Nina (Kinna McInroe), everyone’s favorite boss to hate Bill Lumbergh (Gary Cole), Samir (Ajay Naidu), A temp still going on about a case of the Mondays (Jennifer Jane Emerson), and even the hilarious handlebar-mustached-handyman Lawerence (Diedrich Bader) makes an appearance. The ad–titled a Case of the Mondays–promotes Walmart’s Black Friday Deals, which no longer span a single day, but up to the following Monday. The video is available below. 

Although the likes Ron Livingston’s Peter and Jennifer Aniston’s Joanna are greatly missed, it’s great to see the rest of the original cast reunite, even if it’s for a Megastore Black Friday Ad. It is hard not to long for an official reunion. With the twenty-fifth year only a few years away, it may be possible. 

The Cultural Impact of Office Space

Though Office SpaceWhile it didn’t make the box-office ablaze upon its release in theaters, it was a comedic movie that made a significant cultural impact. Did you know that Mike Judge was the one who invented red staplers! Swingline did not make a red version their classic stapler model, so Judge had to find a color that was bright enough to be seen on the screen. The director decided to take matters into his own hands, and hired an auto body shop to paint the prop stapler. Fans began searching for the red office supply after the film was popularized. However, they couldn’t find them. Seeing a demand in the market, Swingline soon began offering red staplers in its line of products–becoming one of the company’s biggest sellers. 

Staplers don’t make the movie any less impactful. Chockie’s restaurant workers were mocked by the satire. Aniston’s character gets into a great fight over her lack of flair. Many customers have referred to the Office SpaceMake fun of it TGI Fridays stopped using flair.Mike Judge deserves a special thank you from all TGI Friday employees. 

The two-decade-old comedy, which is also responsible for the cultural impact, continues to make an impact.Inventing the funny term, ass clown. Yes, that’s correct. Ass clown is culturally understood. Office Space

Mike Judge is no stranger in being ahead of his times. His follow up to Office SpaceThe 2006 cultural satire Idiocracy–a A film that seems stupid is far smarter than it was initially given credit for– was also a major flop. But the key difference with IdiocracyIt was also released without a trailer or any advertisement. 16 years later, the film is enjoying a rise in cult status. 

Judge is currently producing stuff like Paramounts+’s well-reviewed Beavis & Butthead Do the Universe. However, I believe it is time to put the writer/director back behind camera. He has much more to say than he should not be creating relevant and new movies. Perhaps an Office Space 2? Enjoy these images until then 9 Great Mike Judge Movies & TV Shows

Up to Office SpaceWe will settle for this adorable Walmart commercial until a follow-up announcement is made or an official reunion of the cast takes place. You can stream the original movie with a Hulu subscription. Get all the latest about Upcoming movie releasesCinemaBlend will continue to provide updates.