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5-Year-Old Boy Made To Run In Scorching Heat By His Own Mom

Panting and sweating in the scorching heat, a little boy could hardly keep up with his mother, who seemed intent on teaching him a lesson. However, the internet didn’t approve of her actions and accused her even of traumatizing her son.

Taking to her TikTok account, Katarina Rodriguez was unafraid to share a clip that she has since made private of what many deemed controversial parenting. In the video, she and her 5-year-old son ran in 104-degree heat together.

While with him in the glaring sun, she explained that this was a repercussion for misbehaving in school. Rodriguez shared that the school told her that he was disruptive and noisy during learning hours.

Katarina Rodriguez runs with her 5-year old son. The mother expressed that he thought they were going to run to the mailbox. However, he received a not-so-nice surprise when they went further, stating when they were finished running:

“We’re not going to hit, we’re not going to spank. We’re going to discipline. We’ll see what tomorrow brings.”

This aggressive approach to parenting has gone completely viral, accumulating around 102,000 likes and 6000 comments. This clip is now more famous for its virality.

With a tiny exception of a few individuals defending the mother, the comment section blasted Rodriguez for what they mainly saw as an incredibly ineffective and cruel parenting technique. The mother was in tears and said she felt as though she had been discriminated against.

One claimed that this said “punishment” would traumatize the child, while another commenter claiming to be a pediatrician stated that this was not beneficial. Another expressed that they felt sorry for her 5-year-old.

The 5-year-old boy is running in the 104-degree heat. This mother then took to her account again, making a follow-up video, which she has also subsequently made private, responding to these comments. Rodriguez claimed that her strategy had worked, stating: “Not only did it get him a smiley face yesterday, but it also got him one today.”

The mom made a huge emphasis on how the way she raises her child is not anyone else’s business but hers. Rodriguez claimed that they had tried several approaches but this one worked for them.