A Meat Alternative Start Up Creates 3D-Printed Meat that Grills, Smells, and Tastes Like Steak

A computer can make a juicy, succulent steak. Redefine Meat is an Israeli meat alternative company that uses a highly technical process to produce its products.

They combine soy and pea protein with chickpeas and nutritional yeast and make it into steak-like shapes using 3D printing. 

“Our goal is to become the largest meat company in the world just by harnessing technology instead of animals,”Redefine Meat’s Adam Lahav explained.

“This is the holy grail of alternative meat.”

Redefine Meat has a long history of meat substitutes. However, unlike soy-based crumbles which mimic ground beef, Redefine Meat is designed to taste and act like flank steak.

According to one diner it tastes great.

“The texture feels right, even the smell, smells like the real thing, really authentic,”They said. “For me, it’s revolutionary.”