A dead Marvel superhero might return in a new movie

EternalsIs streaming on Disney PlusYou can now watch the movie from the comfort of your own home. Streaming is great because you can pause or rewind the film to see all the details. Although the streaming is free, you can still watch it in slow motion. EternalsWhile the plot could use some improvements with future MCU adventures it is still an excellent film. Eternals is the kind of early Phase 4 movie that will impact the MCU in various ways going forward, considering the big development we’ve just witnessed. The film certainly implies we’ll see the Eternals in other places in the future. It is possible that some of the Eternals from the past could be seen in Marvel movies and series.

There’s a brand new rumor that claims one of them might return sooner than we thought. Before we explain how all of that is possible, we’ll warn you that Below are big spoilers.

Why the Eternals deaths don’t matter

We have already covered all of the Eternals deaths and why they don’t really matter.

Four of the 10 superheroes we meet in the movie are killed off. Three of them end up dead. Sprite (Lia McHugh), survives the battle and chooses to be a human. She surrenders her powers. This means that she will live a normal life as a human and die the same way as everyone else. But that doesn’t mean she’s done with that Eternals life.

The three Eternals that are dead at the end of this movie are Ajak (Salmahayek), Gilgamesh, and Ikaris. Their sacrifices are not meaningless. First of all, we’re not really in love with these characters yet. These deaths aren’t like Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) and Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) losses in Endgame.

More importantly, the Eternals aren’t living beings. That’s why they survived the snap in Infinity War. They can die, but they can’t die that easily.

Arishem, a Celestial In Eternals. Source: Marvel Studios

Marvel can revive anyone

Eternals are basically highly advanced androids that are made to last. Arishem designed them to last for millions of years. We saw that each Eternal is kept in multiple copies by the Celestial. He also stores all of their memories.

The Eternals get wiped after each emergence, much like you’d reset an iPhone to factory settings. The iPhone can be restored to its previous memory backup. Eternals can be done the same way.

That’s to say that Arishem can create another team of identical Eternals if he wants to. He can simply implant the original program into new bodies and send them off to another planet.

Marvel doesn’t even need the multiverse to revive these lost characters and give us different versions of them. Multiverse angles can be added to create different Eternals that populate a different reality.

Finally, there’s one other way the dead Eternals come “back to life”. That’s through prequels that focus on specific stories that predate the Tiamut emergence. They’ve been living on Earth for 7,000 years, so there are plenty of other stories to tell.

What’s certain is that the post-credits scene where we get to meet Eros (Harry Styles) teases more Eternals stories. We might even get Thanos (Josh Brolin) back.

Ajak (Salma Hayek), and Ikaris(Richard Madden). Eternals. Image source: Marvel Studios

The Eternal dead who could return soon

We have a leak about Ikaris, the Eternal before we can get to all of this.

Fans who believed Richard Madden was playing the Eternal leading superhero might be disappointed by the twist in the plot. Arishem is able to bring Ikaris back to life. Marvel might use Ikaris next who may not remember the events of Earth.

It’s doubtful he survived the sun — at least, we hope Marvel doesn’t do anything that cheap.

TikTok provides the first evidence of Ikaris’ possible return. Per The Cosmic Circle. Emmy Kennard posted the video on the platform shared by her brother Joe. He also happened to be the stunt double of Madden in Eternals.

Emmy stated that the video was not protected by NDAs, but that the clip is no more available on TikTok. She suggested that Joe was currently scheduled to work as an anchor. “character coming back into the MCU.”

Joe was an MCU stunt double for Eternals. This implies that Ikaris is the character returning. If this is true, then we might soon see Ikaris again in another MCU movie. But it’s unclear where this dead Eternal might show up next.

We’ll also remind you that Salma Hayek reportedlyMarvel has signed a multi-movie agreement. Ajak might return, but they won’t use her for flashbacks.