Revealed: 6 Dog Breeds Every Groomer Avoids—One Popular Pooch Has 90% Health Issues!


6 Dog Breeds You Should Think Twice Before Adopting: A Groomer’s Warning!

When it comes to choosing a furry friend, not all dog breeds are created equal. While some may seem adorable and friendly, a professional groomer has shared six dog breeds she wouldn’t own—giving us all food for thought. In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons behind these controversial picks that have dog lovers talking!

Understanding the Groomer’s Perspective on Dog Breeds

So, why would a groomer avoid certain breeds? After all, fluffy pup enthusiasts might wonder if those wagging tails could be a perfect fit. However, it’s crucial to consider the health challenges and maintenance these pets may come with. Shauna, a TikTok user known as @shauna_thefairydogmother, reveals her experiences grooming various breeds and outlines her decision-making process. Let’s take a closer look.

1. Cockapoo: Too Much Fur to Handle?

Many families adore the Cockapoo for its friendly temperament and cuddly appearance. But Shauna isn’t sold. She mentions that this breed requires a lot of hair maintenance. If you’re not prepared for regular grooming sessions, you might find yourself in over your head. Has anyone ever told you that some things are just too cute to handle? This may be one of them!

2. West Highland Terrier: A Health Risk

Ah, the West Highland Terrier, known for its spirited charm and snow-white fur. But there’s a catch. Shauna discovered that a staggering 90% of the Westies she groomed suffered from various health issues. From skin allergies to genetic problems, these pups may come with more complications than joy. Imagine the heartbreak of sweet cuddles paired with frequent vet visits. Is it worth the gamble?

3. German Shepherd: Love on Hold for Personal Reasons

Shauna shares a personal story that resonates deeply. After her father was badly mauled by two German Shepherds, she couldn’t shake the need to stay away from this breed. While she recognizes that not all German Shepherds are aggressive, the emotional baggage colors her choice. Sometimes, past experiences shape our decisions, reminding us of the importance of safety in our companionship.

4. Small Fluffy Dogs: The Drawbacks of Low Maintenance

In a surprising twist, our groomer reveals she’d never choose a small fluffy dog. Although she didn’t elaborate much, it hints at a preference for low-maintenance companions. Think about it: tiny dogs often require extensive grooming to maintain their dainty appearance. If you crave fuss-free bonding time with your pup, perhaps exploring breeds with less fluff might be a smart move!

5. Pugs, English Bulldogs, and Shar Peis: Breathing Difficulties

Next on the list are breeds notorious for breathing issues: Pugs, English Bulldogs, and Shar Peis. While they may be famous for their lovable wrinkles and charming antics, these breeds often face significant health challenges. Shauna highlights that the risk of respiratory problems is too high for her comfort. If you’re keen on health matters, perhaps examine alternative breeds that will keep both you and your vet happier.

6. A Word of Caution: Not All Dogs Will Be Ill

While Shauna’s concerns are valid, it’s essential to remember that not every dog of these breeds will face health issues. What’s crucial is to do thorough research before adopting any breed. Investing in a reputable breeder or considering a mixed-breed dog might serve as a safer bet. Are you ready to discover a loving friendship minus the numerous vet trips?

Popular Dog Breeds in the UK: A Look at Alternatives

If you’re pondering your perfect pup, perhaps consider these popular breeds in the UK according to dog experts at Tug-E-Nuff:

  1. Labrador Retriever
  2. Border Collie
  3. English Cocker Spaniel
  4. Golden Retriever
  5. Staffordshire Bull Terrier
  6. Springer Spaniel
  7. Jack Russell Terrier
  8. Labradoodle

These breeds are often favored for their temperament and health. However, never forget that every dog is unique and deserves a loving home!

Join the Conversation: What Do You Think?

Shauna’s picks have sparked lively discussions in the comments section of her viral TikTok video. Many groomers and pet owners echo her sentiments while revealing their experiences. One user commented, “As a dog groomer, I knew cockapoo was first,” while another noted, “I love my cockapoo, but I will never have one again.”

What’s your take? Do you think some breeds should be avoided? Or have you had positive experiences with the breeds Shauna cautions against? Join the community of animal lovers and share your thoughts!

Choosing the right dog isn’t just about cuteness; it’s about compatibility and health too. Knowing what to watch for can mean all the difference in creating a joyful, fulfilling life with your canine companion. So, what do you think? Are you ready to dive into this world of furry friendships—or will you heed Shauna’s warnings?


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