90s TV Legend Transforms Estate into International Winery Empire – Unleash the Nostalgia!

Title: Noel Edmonds Reveals Exclusive Wine Production From River Haven Estate

Exclusive Wine Production From River Haven Estate

Former TV star Noel Edmonds, known for his hosting roles on Noel’s House Party and Deal Or No Deal, made headlines recently by unveiling the first batch of wine produced at his very own River Haven vineyard in New Zealand.

Moving to New Zealand With Wife Liz

In 2019, Noel Edmonds, 75, made a significant move to New Zealand along with his wife Liz. Since then, the couple has been involved in various endeavors, including the establishment of a pub called the B***er Inn, a restaurant, store, and coffee house.

Introducing the 2023 Pinot Gris

The highlight of Noel Edmonds’ latest venture is the production of a special 2023 Pinot Gris, meticulously grown on his River Haven estate. The ex-TV star posed alongside two dummies, proudly revealing that locals have given rave reviews, describing the wine as “bloody good.”

Announcement on Instagram

Taking to the estate’s official Instagram page, Noel Edmonds shared the exciting news of the vintage release. The presenter expressed his enthusiasm by stating, “HUGE NEWS – from this Friday, River Haven will be serving the first-ever vintage of our very own Pinot Gris.”

A Labor of Love

Acknowledging the hard work of his dedicated team, Noel emphasized the significance of the wine as a labor of love. The wine production was made possible with the invaluable support of volunteers who contributed to its creation.

Availability and Appreciation

Noel Edmonds extended his gratitude to patrons, stating, “From tomorrow we’ll be reaching out to all of you to share in our wine (please bear with us, there’s a lot of you!). Thank you all so much for your patience so far.”

The 2023 Pinot Gris by River Haven will be available for purchase by the glass, bottle, or to take home and enjoy. This exclusive wine offering is set to delight wine enthusiasts and connoisseurs alike.