83-Year-Old Believed to Be Oldest Woman to Complete a ‘Tough Mudder’ Race

Tough mudder races are done on outdoor obstacle courses where only the fittest survive, and that’s why an 83-year-old grandmother is inspiring everyone who sees her in action.

Mildred Wilson is believed to be the oldest woman to ever participate in a tough mudder competition. 

She’s admired by her fellow mudders, who helped her through the obstacle course. And no obstacle will hold her back.

It takes stamina, strength and balance, but Wilson warns: If you have a problem getting dirty, the tough mudder is not for you!

“You crawl through mud under barbed wire, so you have to stay down really close to the mud, or you get your hair caught in the barbed wire,” Wilson said.

Wilson says she plans on participating in the races for as long as she can.

“If I’m still alive and healthy, I will!” she said.