8 Things You Will See When You Stop Drinking Alcohol

You might be able to make other positive changes, almost effortlessly.

Hip thrusts are an excellent exercise to build well-rounded glutes.


Maybe you have been wanting to start a routine of exercise and eat healthier. Even if you only stop drinking for a month, it can have a profound effect on your health. ResearchIt has been shown that successfully changing one behaviour can boost confidence and self-efficacy. This can help you make better choices. 

Dry January is a case in point. A hangover-free existence supports other healthy habits. Feeling good every morning can make it more likely to go to the gym, which can lead to a desire for healthy food, which can help support good sleep. 

You might also notice that you are swapping your happy hour for a walk with your dog, or a healthy kombucha instead of a less-healthy wine.

Expert in Happiness Gretchen Rubin’s Habit-Change StrategyOf “identity”You could also be playing a role. You may be thinking: “I’m a non-drinker right now, and non-drinkers make healthy choices.”

Nick Allen, CEO and co-founder of Health Goals, is astonished at how easy it can be to achieve other health goals. SunnysideI was told this by, an organization and app that helps people drink less in a mindful way.

“It’s amazing to see, especially for folks where alcohol is a little out of balance in their life, how drinking less, all of sudden, they’re unlocking these other health goals that they’d been pursuing for a long time without much success,”He stated.