14 ways to stay cool in the heatwave

This is what we wrote to be truthful.

We’re hot. A red warning has been issued. Temperatures could rise to 42C in certain parts of the country in the next few days. It isn’t great, and it appears that climate change is fully in force.

Met Office Chief Meteorologist Paul Gundersen, said: “Exceptional, perhaps record-breaking temperatures are likely early next week, quite widely across the red warning area on Monday, and focussed a little more east and north on Tuesday. Currently there is a 50 per cent chance we could see temperatures top 40C and 80 per cent we will see a new maximum temperature reached.Here are some ways you can keep cool until the weather goes back to normal.

“Nights are also likely to be exceptionally warm, especially in urban areas. This is likely to lead to widespread impacts on people and infrastructure. Therefore, it is important people plan for the heat and consider changing their routines. This level of heat can have adverse health effects.”

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What’s the best way to make it through the next few weeks without melting? These top tips and techniques will help you to minimize the negative effects of the weather.

1. Close curtains and blinds

This keeps the sun out.

2. Be careful when selecting your meals

You can make your home scorching by turning on the oven, so you are eating salad!

3. Keep hydrated

This is an important point that we cannot stress enough.

4. Get rid of the duvet

This is a fact that should be obvious.

5. Cold showers are a good idea

We would love to be able to work in the shower.

6. Buy a fan

It is possible to just sit and watch it for hours.

7. Avoid the sun between 11am-3pm

It will then be at its best.

8. Avoid alcohol

While it might be tempting to head to a beergarten and wait for it to all over, alcohol can dehydrate you as well as caffeine.

9. Your clothes should be stored in the freezer

They will look cool and nice when you wear them.

10. Night is the best time to close your windows

Although it may seem tempting to open the windows and let the air flow in, in reality you are letting in warm air during the day. Cooler air will help your home become a more pleasant place at night.

11. Your tech can be turned off

Technology products produce heat. We don’t know what you should do if you find that your boss doesn’t agree with this.

12. Get house plants

“Planting trees and vegetation and the creation of green spaces to enhance evaporation and shading are other options, as temperatures in and around green spaces can be several degrees lower than their surroundings,” the NHS says. Sounds good.

13. Avoid strenuous exercise outside

This isn’t jogging weather, people.

14. Spend your whole day in the supermarket chilled aisle

This isn’t that realistic, but we are tempted.

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